Monday, December 2, 2013

Integrity, No Matter What Level

     Jason Kidd (shown above) is in his first year as coach of the Brooklyn Nets in the NBA.  Last week, while playing my favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers, he told a player to "Hit Me" while walking toward the bench, and knocked a glass of cola out of his hand.  It was a close game, and the Nets were out of time outs.  So, in an effort to try and draw up a play for his team to execute on their last possession Kidd pulled this stunt to gain some time while the mess was cleaned up.

Here's my thought.  Does it really matter if it's the NBA?  Sure, we live in the high school world around here, where we go out to win, but we also work to develop character with our athletes.  Yes, those guys in the NBA make more on a night of work than many of us make in a year of work, but does that mean integrity is not important?  I don't think so.  Is honesty, and doing the right thing, excused because you work in the highest level of basketball in the world?  I don't think so.  In fact, I don't think we're ever excused from being doing the right thing no matter what line of work we're in, or what we're doing.  

The really sad part?  Kidd denied the fact that he did it after the game.  Only after the NBA fined him $50,000 for the stunt did he come back and admit to it.  His reasoning?  He was "trying to win".  

When asked where he came up with the idea, he said, he had listened to other coaches and owners talk about stuff like that.  Here's the other issue.  We're all responsible for our own actions.  If someone has done something that lacked integrity, and maybe even gotten away with it, does that mean that it's right?  Absolutely not.  We're responsible for what we do.  Take responsibility Mr. Kidd.  You owned that stupid stunt.  

What's the point?  I caution everyone, coaches, players, parents, fans......we don't need to pattern what we do after people that don't want to play by the rules, or make up things to give them advantage.  Play, and live, with integrity and do the right thing.  You'll be setting a much better example than a coach in the NBA.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Winter Seasons Are Here

As we enter into the winter seasons we'd just like to say "Good Luck" to all of the students/coaches/directors participating in the next few months.  When we return from Thanksgiving break everything will get cranked up in a hurry.

A new feature we are working to add this season is using a video site called High School Cube to stream the games live over the internet.  We will have the capability to add broadcasters, but for now we are working to just add the feed and have the camera following the action with sound from the gym.  So, if you can't make it to a game, or an event, tune into our station and you can feel like you are there.  Make sure to share this with friends and family worldwide so they can watch the Wildcats as well.

Here's the link for our station:  Carlisle HS Cube  We will be doing a test on this during the 9/JV game here on Monday night.

As always, follow the Wildcats, and receive updates from games and activities, on Twitter by following @chswildcatpride

Use our activities website for schedules, updates, and the latest news.  Carlisle Activities

Finally, we'll get busy when we return from the break, but from all of us at CHS, we wish you a great Thanksgiving break, good times with family and friends, and safety as you travel....and possibly go Black Friday shopping.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Athletes Who Care: Positive Stories

The Six Pillars of Character is a program that emphasizes six core ethical values that guide our choices.  From time to time, I will share some thoughts and examples, of how areas of those character traits can be, and have been, shared in every day life, and in competition.  Victory without integrity is hollow and really means nothing.

I would encourage you to look for ways to show at least one area of the Six Pillars of Character every day as compete in practice against teammates, in competition with other schools, or going about your daily routine.  No matter what, Every Day, Character Counts.

Here's some examples of Pillar #5, Caring, in action:

Matt Hoffman
Hoffman, a football player at Rowan University, gave up the end of his junior season of football to donate his bone stem cells to a complete stranger suffering from cancer.  "It's a football game.  They come and go," Hoffman told CBS.  "You have a man's life.  It was very easy for me to choose."

Students of the Dallas Independent School District and Jared Williams
In 2009, 14 year old Jared Williams was paralyzed during a high school football game.  Shortly after the accident, Williams' teammates and other students at Dallas ISD began a fundraising campaign called Project 24.  They calculated that, if everyone in the district donated 24 cents, they could make Williams' home handicap accessible.  Instead, they raised enough money to pay for an entirely new home.  Despite his daily struggle to regain movement in his body, Williams also gives back. When another Dallas area football player was paralyzed this season, "Williams and his mother were the first to visit him in the hospital the next morning."

Lionel Messi
One of the world's greatest soccer players, Barcelona FC's Lionel Messi took time to meet Jordyn Farrell, 16, who has had cancer twice.  Through the Craig Willinger Fund, which raises money to send soccer fans with cancer to games and tournaments all over the world, Jordyn and her father went to Barcelona and watched Messi score two goals against Villareal.  After the game, Jordyn met several Barcelona players, and then, at 2 a.m., she got to meet Messi.  He signed her jersey and took a picture with her.  Nick Farrell, Jordyn's father, said, "Messi was amazing...He was really genuine about it when he came over.  [Jordyn] told me she's never going to wash that jersey again."

Sometimes, most of the time, it just takes a little time and effort to make a positive impact.  Look for ways to put forth that effort.  You'll make a difference.


Examples from

Monday, October 28, 2013

Social Media Guidelines For Student-Athletes

I just read an article promoting the need for school's to have a social media policy for their student-athletes.  May be something we consider, but it also had some guidelines for students that I share in today's blog.  This is from the High School Today magazine, published by the National Federation of High Schools, written by John P. Williams. 

Social Media Guidelines for Student-Athletes

1.  Be careful with how much and what kind of identifying information you post on social networking sites.  It's unwise to make available information such as full date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, cell phone numbers, class schedules, bank account information, or details about daily routine.  All of these can facilitate identify theft or stalking.  Remember, once posted the information becomes the property of the web site.

2.  Be aware that potential current and future employers and college admissions offices often access information you place on online social networking sites.  Realize that any information you post will provide an image of you to prospective employers and/or schools.  The posting is considered public information.  Protect yourself by maintaining a self-image you can be proud of years from now.

3.  Be careful in responding  to unsolicited e-mails asking for passwords or PIN numbers.  Reputable businesses do not ask for this information online.

4.  Do not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech.  Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited.  Social networking sites are NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions.

5.  Remember that photos once put on the social network site's server become the property of the site.  You may delete the photo from your profile, but it still stays in their server.  Internet search engines like Google and Yahoo may still find that image long after you have deleted it from your profile.  Think long and hard about what type of photo you want to represent you.

One of the biggest lessons social networking users can learn is that anything they post online enters the public record.  High school students should carefully consider their profiles and ask themselves how they would look to a future college admissions officer or potential employer.

Choose Wisely Wildcats.  What you post now could eventually have an impact in the future.  


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What We've Learned From Jackie

Just a few quick thoughts about Jackie's Fight Night we held on Oct. 11 at our Centerville football game.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for their support of the activities, and most importantly, the support for Jackie and her family.  It was great to have Jackie's family here, and I noticed the family had a great deal of support here from family, friends, and coworkers.  Special thanks to Chief Doll and Dr. Aylsworth for their efforts in helping to spearhead the event as well.

It was a fantastic celebration due to the fact that she had received her heart, and was on the road to recovery.  Part of why I'd like to share this again is to just make sure that we don't forget about Jackie and her family.  Too many times we do something for a cause, or remember someone because it's brought to our attention, but then our busy lives begin happening again and we stop thinking about it.  I want to encourage you to continue to remember Jackie and her family in your thoughts and prayers, and continue to look for ways to offer support.

You may have given something on the Jackie's Fight Night.  A little bit of money, a t shirt bought, or a kind word of encouragement on the big card.  Even the smallest act can be a source of encouragement and help to someone.  I believe that the more we give of ourselves, the easier it becomes to continue to do it.  Look for ways to serve and help others.  You don't have to look very far to be able to do that.  If you're part of an athletic team, or a group, you can do something for a teammate, a coach, an official, or even an opponent, that will show servant leadership.  You don't have to be told what that is.  If you're looking for it, you'll see it. I'd encourage you to act on it.

Jackie is fighting a great fight.  She's inspired us,showed us how to fight, and maybe through that fight she's taught us how to give more to each other too.  Let's not let it be a one time thing that we did on Oct. 11. Let's show our Wildcat pride in the character, integrity, and service we show each and every day.

Thanks Jackie.  We may have helped you a little, but I think you've helped us a lot.

Keep Fighting!!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Athletes Are In Demand

An article I recently read from Forbes magazine highlighted why companies like to hire people who have, or continue to be, athletes.  I think you could make a case for being involved in fine arts activities as well, but this article focused on the athletic side.  Many of the traits people develop cross over from involvement in the fine arts as well.

Part of why we (coaches/teachers/this AD) do what we do is because we believe in the value of Educational Athletics, and the important role that they play in developing, and preparing, our young people for success in their future.

The article linked below reinforces the value of participation in activities.  Students, stay active year around, Parents and fans, continue to support your students, our students, and I would encourage us all to keep an eye on the big picture.  Preparation for Success.

Why You Should Fill Your Company With 'Athletes'


Monday, October 7, 2013

Jackie's Fight-Oct. 11

This Friday, Oct. 11th, our school and community will come together to watch a football game against Centerville.  The game, however, will serve as a rallying point for a more important cause.  A chance to come together, and show support, for a 2013 graduate of Carlisle High School, Jackie Montour.

Dubbed "Jackie's Fight" by the organizers of the event, Carlisle Police Chief Jason Doll and High School Principal Dr. Tony Aylsworth, the challenge to all those attending is to wear Red to show our love and support to Jackie and her family.

Jackie's Fight Press Release

Last month Carlisle Rescue and Carlisle Police responded to help Ms. Montour who has since been hospitalized in Iowa City still awaiting a heart transplant. Ms. Montour recently graduated from Carlisle High School in 2013 and is a resident of Carlisle.

The Montour family, the Carlisle Public Safety Departments and the Carlisle Community School District want to raise awareness about organ donations. Over 112,000 Americans currently wait for a life-saving organ transplant and over 640 of those people are Iowans. Up to 100 people in need can benefit from one person’s decision to be an organ and tissue donor. 19 people on the national waiting list die every day, about 6,000 people every year or 1 person every 85 minutes because there are not enough donated organs. Every day, 105 new names are added to the national organ waiting list. That is 1 person added every 14 minutes, every day.

Jackie's Fight T-shirts have been sold, but even if you didn't get one of those, get your Red on and show your support for Jackie.

Just last weekend, in the best news we've heard in quite sometime, Jackie received a heart and underwent the heart transplant procedure on Friday night.  There's still a long road to recovery, but what a blessing for Jackie to receive this gift.

If you're not already following Jackie's Fight page on Facebook, please do so to see updates and be encouraged by the strength of the family.  Please continue to keep Jackie, her family, and all of the doctors and nurses working with Jackie, in your thoughts and prayers.

Look forward to seeing everyone in a Sea of Red on Friday night.  The varsity game kicks off at 7:30 p.m.  Wear Red and show support for Jackie.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Would Your Response Be?

By now, many have read, or heard about, the HS football coach in Utah who suspended his entire team last week.  This week's blog asks a simple question.  How would YOU respond?  As a player?  As a coach?  as a parent?  As a fan?  I think that's a question that needs to be answered by all of us.  Like it or not, the decision by Coach Labrum took courage.  That is to be applauded.

Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation.
Alan Autry

Here are a couple of links on the story.

Article with Video

Full Text of Union High School Football Letter

Monday, September 23, 2013

One Month In

We're a little over a month into the fall seasons and I thought I'd just take a moment to recap some of the exciting things that have taken place.  (In no particular order)

1 - Our Cross Country teams both captured championships at the Des Moines Hoover Invitational on Sept. 10th.  

2 - Our Football team got a fantastic, and convincing, Homecoming win over Winterset on Sept. 20th.  The 43-12 win put us right back into the thick of the playoff race.  

3 - The Wildcat Volleyball team sits at .500 at this writing with two home conference matches against Carroll and ADM this week.  Would be a good time to come out and support the team.  

4 - The Marching Band is working hard on their performance show and begin some competitions this coming
weekend.  Good Luck as they get going in this part of their season. 

5 - The Dance team has been working hard, and had four girls selected to participate in the All Iowa Drill Team that will perform at the Girls State Basketball Tournament on Championship weekend. 

6 -  The Cheerleaders routine is looking very good and they'll be competing in a couple of competitions in October.  

7 - Probably some of the most exciting news in the past week was the school board voting unanimously to proceed with the field turf project in the football stadium.  This project will allow our students some much
needed access to the field.  Here are just a few of the groups that will benefit when this project is completed.  

Football - Practice space and games. 
Soccer - Practice space and matches. 
Track - Practice...last year over 200 MS and HS students around the area when all practicing the same day. 
Marching Band - With our band numbers approaching 100 participants, this allows our band a place to rehearse their show every day. 
Softball/Baseball - When their fields are too wet to take some infield the turf field will help to provide a place for some field practice.  
PE Classes - This will be used a great deal by our PE classes for outdoor activities in the fall and 

         These are just a few of the school groups that we know will benefit from this project.  Thank You to the school board for their vision, and recognizing the need for this new field.  

Students - Keep working, improving, learning, leading, and competing. 
Coaches - Keep working, improving, teaching, leading and competing. 
Fans and Parents - Keep encouraging our young people and supporting their efforts.  Our students are very appreciative of the support, and I can guarantee you a kind word of encouragement goes a long way.  
Wildcats - Give the best effort every day and support each other.  We can all do that.  

We have a lot going on. I'd encourage you to take advantage of the nice fall weather, and support Carlisle Activities.  


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Guest Blog - HS Principal Dr. Tony Aylsworth

As I  gear up for the start of the year I find myself thinking a lot about leadership & what it means to lead.  Like other organizations, schools are full of formal and informal leaders.  Consequently, I put together a "Top Ten" list of thoughts on leadership based on my experiences and things I've learned over the years.  

1)  Leaders must know themselves, their beliefs, and remember them when times get tough.  Be aware of 
      who you are, and what you stand for. 

2)  Leaders know they don't always know all the answers and seek out those who can help by listening and 
      solving the problem. 

3)  Leadership includes surrounding yourself with others who will challenge your thinking and help the 
      organization improve.  Leaders have an eye for new talent and constantly develop those already 
      within the organization. 

4)  Leadership is often as simple as listening, inspiring, and relationships. 

5)  Leaders find balance between pushing the organization to improve and supporting those within 
      the organization. 

6)  Leaders commit to continuous learning and constantly expand their personal learning networks (PLNs).  
      A mentor once told me "you can't lead it if you don't take time to read".  She was right!

7)  Leadership is situational and contextual.  It does not look the same in every organization. 

8)  Leaders must have some level of selfishness & humbleness.  Leaders don't ask others to do things 
      they wouldn't do themselves.  

9)  Leaders continually expand their circle of trust AND their circle of influence.  

10) Leaders must know when and how to recharge their batteries.  (can't take full credit for this thought, 
        it's something I heard many times from a mentor).  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Link for Parents

In this week's blog I'd like to share a link, mainly for parents.  I think it's well worth the read and thinking about the points that are made.  As a parent of three children, who's playing careers are now over, I know it's hard.  I readily admit that,  but as I said in last weeks blog, the thing I remember the most about my mom when I was competing was exactly what this article talks about.  I hope you'll enjoy the article.

Make it a great week.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What Is A Fan?

The beginning of the 2013 football season, in particular the college football season, brought a reminder to me about being a fan.  

The start of every sports season brings with it excitement and anticipation.  Every team is undefeated.  Fans can point to two or three areas of strength for their team, and those strengths will surely outweigh any weaknesses the team may have.  We love the preseason hype, offering our opinions to rival fans as we banter back and forth as we anxiously await the start of the season.  

Then one of two things happen.  Our team either wins, or it loses.  At the conclusion of the game we have many opinions, most of which are probably just that, opinions.  I’ve heard a lot of opinions from Hawkeye and Cyclone fans over the last few days.  Many have been negative, blasting comments, from both camps, that I just don’t understand.  Either you’re a fan or you’re not.  Now, to be fair, this isn’t about Wildcat fans at all.  I was prompted to think about being a fan by what I heard the last couple of days after college games on Saturday.  

I think being a fan means supportive of the team through thick and thin.  A fan is defined as “a person who is enthusiastically devoted to something”.  The key thought in that definition is to be enthusiastically devoted.  To take it a step further, when you look up the word devoted the word loyal comes up in several of the definitions.  One step further?  Loyal means to show continuing allegiance.

To summarize let’s look at what a fan should look like.

1 - enthusiastically devoted
2 - loyal
3 - continuing allegiance

There are a good, if not great, number of fans who can be described using the terms above.  I would just suggest and encourage us to be true to our school, and in particular the athletes who put themselves and talents on the line night in and night out to represent the school that we support.  Our ability to be a true fan should not be measured on whether our team wins or loses a contest.  Sure, it helps to win, but we need to constantly keep things in perspective, win or lose, and support the effort.  

There are four roles available at athletic contests.  You’re either a participant, a coach, an official, or a fan.  It’s best to limit yourself to just one.  When you step from one role into another there usually is some sort of negative reaction associated with it.  

Wildcat fans, let’s’ lead the Raccoon River Conference, 3A/4A,, and the state in how we support our programs.  I would encourage us to constantly keep things in perspective.  Parents, enjoy the moment and the opportunities you have to watch your child participate.  They are gone in what seems like a moment.  Watching them compete is very special, but the memories they create for themselves are directly measured in how much support they feel from those closest to them.  

I have many great memories of competing in high school, but I think one of the reasons for that is because of sharing those times with my family.  One of the things I remember the most is talking to my mom after the games, getting a hug and a smile. (See, it’s always “Hi Mom” for the camera) She was always encouraging and supportive and just liked to watch me play.   If I can remember that 33 years after my high school career was over, it must have mattered.  

Let’s continue to work to be real fans Wildcats.  Let’s cheer for our team, support our team, and do it in a way that matters and will help our athletes enjoy their experience, create lasting memories, and be proud to represent CHS.  

Have a great week.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Bring On 2013-14

Here we go.  This week our 2013-14 activities start competing.  It's going to be an exciting ride with peaks and valleys.  That's part of the process and is unavoidable.  Through it all though there's a good feeling in the hallways and I think we're ready to go out and do our best.  This week's blog is full of Good Lucks.

Volleyball travels to Newton of Tuesday for a freshmen and varsity tournament.  On Thursday, we'll open our home season hosting West Marshall.  9/JV will start at 5:30, with varsity around 7:00.  Good Luck to all of the players and coaches.  Our coaches this year are Erin Hoffmann, Rebecca Blythe, and Scott Mavin.

Football will host Boone in the season opener at Doane Hakes Stadium on Friday night.  The freshmen will get things going at 4:45, with varsity kicking off at 7:30.  Good Luck to the Wildcat football players and coaches.  Our coaching staff this year consists of Mark Hoekstra, Jared Fletcher, Tony Smith, Jason Mehrhoff, JJ Novotny, Kyle Joiner, Brian Keeney, and Justin Hagedorn.  Remember, 2 non-district games before the district schedule starts.  In addition, on Friday night we plan to recognize the State Runner Up girls softball team at the end of the first quarter.

Cross Country does not run until next Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, at the SE Polk Invitational.  Good Luck to all of the harriers and coaches this season.  Cross Country coaches are Marty Mitchell and Thomas Cotter.

The CHS Marching Band and Color Guard has been working hard for a few weeks now too getting their 2013 show ready for competition.  It sounds like a real enjoyable show featuring Disney tunes.  We look forward to seeing them on the field this Friday night.  They are under the direction of Conner Tipping, Kim Howland, and Dana Baker.

Our Debate team is starting to get things organized.  They have a new coach this year, as our veteran coach, Mr. Fink, stepped down from that position after last year.  Good Luck on the preparation for your debate season.  Our new debate coach this year is Daphne Sayers.

Our cheerleaders and dance team have been hard at it all summer and are getting some great routines together.  Good Luck to both groups as their competition seasons start and they represent CHS.  Cheer coaches are Jen Nordhagen and Linsey Olsen, with the dance team under the direction of Dana Baker and Amanda Tower.

We also have two girls swimming in our Coop program with Lincoln High School.  Good Luck!!

The Fall Play is now being organized by Jon Wright.  This year's production will be "A Mid Summer Night's Dream".  Good Luck as you begin preparations for the show.

In addition, this doesn't begin to mention the 200+ Middle School students participating in programs at the middle school levels.  Good Luck to all of the students and coaches there as well.

We have so many students involved in the fall, and I'm very proud of how I anticipate them representing Carlisle Communtiy Schools.  Our coaches and sponsors are all working hard giving their best efforts for our students as well.  We'll work hard to control what we can control.  We can control our attitude, effort, and sportsmanship.  The rest is out of our control.  Parents and fans, I hope you'll appreciate the efforts and be a source of encouragement to our students and teams.  It's amazing what positive comments can do to help everyone involved.

What we do on the Activities side is the "Other Side of Education", and we believe we are instilling qualities in our students that can help them in all of their future endeavors.

Just a reminder to use our Carlisle Activities webpage to keep up on everything happening in the Activities Department.

We thank everyone for their support of our programs.  See you soon.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Closing Out 2012-13....A Look Back (Part 4)

Yes, the 2013-14 school year has begun, we'll take our last look at the 2012-13 blogs, and then kick off this school year next week.

April 22     New Girls Basketball Coach

 ......we are excited to announce Bryan White as our new Girls Basketball Coach and HS Math Teacher, pending board approval.

One of the priorities in this search was to find a qualified basketball coach who would also be a teacher in the high school to allow day to day access to our athletes.  We have found that person and are excited to have Coach White join us at Carlisle High School.

(This was the most viewed blog of the year with 195 views)

April 29     The Activities Team

(Special thanks to Vicki Born and Rich Parker)

It takes more than just the three of us to accomplish what we try to do each day, and there are other secretaries, administrators, and employees who give us a great deal of support  and help.  Thank you to all of the folks who contribute to the Activities Department and have helped in my first year here.  Couldn't have done it without each and everyone of you.

May 7     Spring/Summer/I Rating

Well, it's been quite an interesting spring.  One for the record books.  This spring has been unlike any other in terms of cancellations and rescheduling.  It's been a challenge for our coaches to gain consistency in their workouts, but they are to be commended for how they've handled it.  It's just another example of our motto of "control what you can control".  Control your reaction to the situation when you can't control the circumstances and what happens sometimes.

May 13     The Pioneer For The Iowa Girl

This post may be a bit of a history lesson for the younger readers.  The young ladies who read this should especially pay attention.  On Tuesday, May 14th, E. Wayne Cooley will be laid to rest after a memorial service honoring his life.  Mr. Cooley was the man who helped to make girls athletics in the state what they are.  Many of you still in high school may have never heard of him, but he was responsible for giving your grandmother's opportunities to play sports long before it was mandated by Title IX in 1972.

May 28     Advice for the Graduates (And Maybe All of Us)

So, if I were to give three pieces of advice here's what I'd offer.

1 - Find what you're passionate about and seek to make that your life work.  The goal is to not feel like you have to go to work a day in your life.  Think about what your strengths are and use them.  Chances are it points to what you're passionate about.

2 - Don't rush.  Enjoy the process.  You can't have right away what your parents, or other adults, have worked a lifetime to get.   This may be a job, the place they live, and some of the things they are able to do.  Good things take time.  What you've been put here to do may take some time too.  Learn from every experience and don't waste the bad ones.

3 - Treat others how you want to be treated.  You know, the Golden Rule that I talked about with Kindergarten classes when I taught elementary P.E. isn't a bad way to live.  Whatever you do, wherever you go, put others ahead of yourself.  Your family, your friends, your coworkers, even the people that are difficult.


Thanks for the memories 2012-13.  Here's to bigger and better in 2013-14 as we continue to pursue Excellence.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Closing Out 2012-13...A Look Back (Part 3)

The 3rd installment looking back at the blogs of 2012-13.

March 10     Specialization

Dr. Andrews is a well knows orthopedic surgeon who has put the likes of Adrian Petersen, RGIII, and Drew Brees back in the game.  Even with those high profile athletes he has a passion for youth and unique insight into over use injuries.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog weekly, and this weeks article, which I think is very insightful.  

March 18     More On The Multi-Sport Athlete

Three questions are routinely asked by them all from NCAA Division I on down.

#1 - Character Questions

        What kind of a person are they?  (They being the student/athlete)
        What kind of character do they have?
         Can I trust them on weekends and when they are away from me?

#2 - Academic Questions

          What kind of student are they in the classroom?
          Will they go to class?
           Am I going to have to have someone on them all the time about doing their work?
          Coaches don't have time to have athletes that are going to fail or struggle in classes.
          They'll get someone else to take that spot.

#3 - Finally, and I don't make this up for the sake of this blog,
     Do they participate in other sports or activities?

            The college coaches I have dealt with, have wanted athletes competing
             year round.  Many have also been encouraged by a student's participation the fine arts
             because they know this makes them well rounded and they are learning to budget time, are
             organized, and not afraid to work.

             I had a young man being recruited by the University of Iowa to play football back in the
             mid-90's (yeah, I know ancient) and the football staff was glad that he continued to play
             basketball, so was I as he helped lead us to the state tournament.
             Never once did they tell him to not compete and just train to play football.

             They wanted him out for track in the spring to continue to train and compete in the shot put
             and discus, which he did.

             Yes, that's a NCAA Division I example, and most of our students will compete at a level
              lower than that, but I can almost guarantee that coaches at the NAIA and NCAA D-III
              level will be wanting multi-sport athletes.

April 1     Good Luck Spring Activities

April 8     When Opportunity Arises

                                   Make a difference.

April 15     Not This Week

My heart is heavy thinking about the tragedy that occurred this afternoon at the Boston Marathon.  I really don't have anything intelligent to write about in light of the horrible act of terrorism.  It's just hard to think.  
And it really wouldn't matter anyway.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Closing Out 2012-13...A Look Back (Part 2)

The 2nd installment of a look back at blogs published during the 2012-13 school year.

February 11, 2013     Think Before You Hit ENTER

Finally, It's really no secret that I believe we should try to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us every day.  I think that should not only go for the words we say to people but also to the things we type and post on social media sites.

"The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back."
-Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby)

February 18     The Moments

One of the moments I'll remember from this past basketball season is shown below:

You bet, I want to win, but I firmly believe that what we do in athletics and activities must be an extension of the classroom.  Even though I've been here for less than a year I have no doubt that we have students who would display great sportsmanship, compassion, and would do the right thing when given the opportunity.  I again, challenge our coaches/sponsors/directors/students/parents to not miss an opportunity when it's presented to you.

We'll keep looking for ways to show Wildcat Pride and we'll do it with Class.

February 25     More On The Moments

Here's my challenge to you:

If you participate in athletics and activities as a student think about the journey you go on through a season. You may have won championships or even endured tough seasons without a lot of victories, but think about the experiences you had with your teammates, the laughs, the crazy moments that are etched in your mind that maybe only those that were there know about or appreciate.  You may even think of some sad moments that are important to you because of a special bond with someone on your team or in your group.  Those memories happened on the journey and help to define who you become.

Coaches and Sponsors, think about some of the journeys you've been on with different teams or groups.  Think of those success stories that you've experienced and the memories that you've been able to help create and you enjoy even to this day.

March 4     Winter Seasons Come to An End

Together WE can/will work to improve and move our programs to the next level.  We'll never settle until "our good is better, and our better is best".
