Monday, October 28, 2013

Social Media Guidelines For Student-Athletes

I just read an article promoting the need for school's to have a social media policy for their student-athletes.  May be something we consider, but it also had some guidelines for students that I share in today's blog.  This is from the High School Today magazine, published by the National Federation of High Schools, written by John P. Williams. 

Social Media Guidelines for Student-Athletes

1.  Be careful with how much and what kind of identifying information you post on social networking sites.  It's unwise to make available information such as full date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, cell phone numbers, class schedules, bank account information, or details about daily routine.  All of these can facilitate identify theft or stalking.  Remember, once posted the information becomes the property of the web site.

2.  Be aware that potential current and future employers and college admissions offices often access information you place on online social networking sites.  Realize that any information you post will provide an image of you to prospective employers and/or schools.  The posting is considered public information.  Protect yourself by maintaining a self-image you can be proud of years from now.

3.  Be careful in responding  to unsolicited e-mails asking for passwords or PIN numbers.  Reputable businesses do not ask for this information online.

4.  Do not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech.  Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited.  Social networking sites are NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions.

5.  Remember that photos once put on the social network site's server become the property of the site.  You may delete the photo from your profile, but it still stays in their server.  Internet search engines like Google and Yahoo may still find that image long after you have deleted it from your profile.  Think long and hard about what type of photo you want to represent you.

One of the biggest lessons social networking users can learn is that anything they post online enters the public record.  High school students should carefully consider their profiles and ask themselves how they would look to a future college admissions officer or potential employer.

Choose Wisely Wildcats.  What you post now could eventually have an impact in the future.  


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What We've Learned From Jackie

Just a few quick thoughts about Jackie's Fight Night we held on Oct. 11 at our Centerville football game.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for their support of the activities, and most importantly, the support for Jackie and her family.  It was great to have Jackie's family here, and I noticed the family had a great deal of support here from family, friends, and coworkers.  Special thanks to Chief Doll and Dr. Aylsworth for their efforts in helping to spearhead the event as well.

It was a fantastic celebration due to the fact that she had received her heart, and was on the road to recovery.  Part of why I'd like to share this again is to just make sure that we don't forget about Jackie and her family.  Too many times we do something for a cause, or remember someone because it's brought to our attention, but then our busy lives begin happening again and we stop thinking about it.  I want to encourage you to continue to remember Jackie and her family in your thoughts and prayers, and continue to look for ways to offer support.

You may have given something on the Jackie's Fight Night.  A little bit of money, a t shirt bought, or a kind word of encouragement on the big card.  Even the smallest act can be a source of encouragement and help to someone.  I believe that the more we give of ourselves, the easier it becomes to continue to do it.  Look for ways to serve and help others.  You don't have to look very far to be able to do that.  If you're part of an athletic team, or a group, you can do something for a teammate, a coach, an official, or even an opponent, that will show servant leadership.  You don't have to be told what that is.  If you're looking for it, you'll see it. I'd encourage you to act on it.

Jackie is fighting a great fight.  She's inspired us,showed us how to fight, and maybe through that fight she's taught us how to give more to each other too.  Let's not let it be a one time thing that we did on Oct. 11. Let's show our Wildcat pride in the character, integrity, and service we show each and every day.

Thanks Jackie.  We may have helped you a little, but I think you've helped us a lot.

Keep Fighting!!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Athletes Are In Demand

An article I recently read from Forbes magazine highlighted why companies like to hire people who have, or continue to be, athletes.  I think you could make a case for being involved in fine arts activities as well, but this article focused on the athletic side.  Many of the traits people develop cross over from involvement in the fine arts as well.

Part of why we (coaches/teachers/this AD) do what we do is because we believe in the value of Educational Athletics, and the important role that they play in developing, and preparing, our young people for success in their future.

The article linked below reinforces the value of participation in activities.  Students, stay active year around, Parents and fans, continue to support your students, our students, and I would encourage us all to keep an eye on the big picture.  Preparation for Success.

Why You Should Fill Your Company With 'Athletes'


Monday, October 7, 2013

Jackie's Fight-Oct. 11

This Friday, Oct. 11th, our school and community will come together to watch a football game against Centerville.  The game, however, will serve as a rallying point for a more important cause.  A chance to come together, and show support, for a 2013 graduate of Carlisle High School, Jackie Montour.

Dubbed "Jackie's Fight" by the organizers of the event, Carlisle Police Chief Jason Doll and High School Principal Dr. Tony Aylsworth, the challenge to all those attending is to wear Red to show our love and support to Jackie and her family.

Jackie's Fight Press Release

Last month Carlisle Rescue and Carlisle Police responded to help Ms. Montour who has since been hospitalized in Iowa City still awaiting a heart transplant. Ms. Montour recently graduated from Carlisle High School in 2013 and is a resident of Carlisle.

The Montour family, the Carlisle Public Safety Departments and the Carlisle Community School District want to raise awareness about organ donations. Over 112,000 Americans currently wait for a life-saving organ transplant and over 640 of those people are Iowans. Up to 100 people in need can benefit from one person’s decision to be an organ and tissue donor. 19 people on the national waiting list die every day, about 6,000 people every year or 1 person every 85 minutes because there are not enough donated organs. Every day, 105 new names are added to the national organ waiting list. That is 1 person added every 14 minutes, every day.

Jackie's Fight T-shirts have been sold, but even if you didn't get one of those, get your Red on and show your support for Jackie.

Just last weekend, in the best news we've heard in quite sometime, Jackie received a heart and underwent the heart transplant procedure on Friday night.  There's still a long road to recovery, but what a blessing for Jackie to receive this gift.

If you're not already following Jackie's Fight page on Facebook, please do so to see updates and be encouraged by the strength of the family.  Please continue to keep Jackie, her family, and all of the doctors and nurses working with Jackie, in your thoughts and prayers.

Look forward to seeing everyone in a Sea of Red on Friday night.  The varsity game kicks off at 7:30 p.m.  Wear Red and show support for Jackie.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What Would Your Response Be?

By now, many have read, or heard about, the HS football coach in Utah who suspended his entire team last week.  This week's blog asks a simple question.  How would YOU respond?  As a player?  As a coach?  as a parent?  As a fan?  I think that's a question that needs to be answered by all of us.  Like it or not, the decision by Coach Labrum took courage.  That is to be applauded.

Leadership requires the courage to make decisions that will benefit the next generation.
Alan Autry

Here are a couple of links on the story.

Article with Video

Full Text of Union High School Football Letter