Monday, March 18, 2013

More on the Multi-Sport Athlete

More?  Yes, I know.  Because it's what I'm passionate about and I believe it's how we're in the process of turning Carlisle into one of the most successful 3A/4A all around sports and activities program in the state.

I guess I'll probably never let it rest.  When your passionate about something that's the way it is.

We're in between seasons right now and getting things rolling for spring sports.  Are you out there competing?  Many are, and we're happy about that.

You're getting better and making yourself a better athlete.  That's the point, making yourself a better athlete.  You only do that by competing.

It's good to train, we have to train to get better, but you only learn to win by competing, and you need to compete year round.

Last week in the article that was shared, we learned how specialization can lead to over use injuries and how it's good to use other muscles that are required in different sports.  The other thing that specialization leads to is burnout.  I've seen many athletes over the years, who were gifted in a certain sport and trained for years, just give it up because it stopped being fun and became a job.

My case to athletes has always been that if you really want to pursue something in college, it's going to be a job when you get there, so you need to experience other sports and activities in high school because you won't have time for other things when you start to compete at the collegiate level, and it doesn't matter if it's JUCO, NAIA, or any NCAA level, it's going to be a job and full time commitment.

Which leads to a final point this week as it relates to the college coach and recruiting.  I have had many conversations with college coaches as they recruited athletes that I have coached, or athletes in the schools where I've been.  Three questions are routinely asked by them all from NCAA Division I on down.

#1 - Character Questions

        What kind of a person are they?  (They being the student/athlete)
        What kind of character do they have?
         Can I trust them on weekends and when they are away from me?

#2 - Academic Questions

          What kind of student are they in the classroom?
          Will they go to class?
           Am I going to have to have someone on them all the time about doing their work?
          Coaches don't have time to have athletes that are going to fail or struggle in classes.
          They'll get someone else to take that spot.

#3 - Finally, and I don't make this up for the sake of this blog,
     Do they participate in other sports or activities?

            The college coaches I have dealt with, have wanted athletes competing
             year round.  Many have also been encouraged by a student's participation the fine arts
             because they know this makes them well rounded and they are learning to budget time, are
             organized, and not afraid to work.

             I had a young man being recruited by the University of Iowa to play football back in the
             mid-90's (yeah, I know ancient) and the football staff was glad that he continued to play
             basketball, so was I as he helped lead us to the state tournament.
             Never once did they tell him to not compete and just train to play football.

             They wanted him out for track in the spring to continue to train and compete in the shot put
             and discus, which he did.

             Yes, that's a NCAA Division I example, and most of our students will compete at a level
              lower than that, but I can almost guarantee that coaches at the NAIA and NCAA D-III
              level will be wanting multi-sport athletes.  

It's not to late to get involved this spring if you need to.  How about summer?

Don't say what if?  Just Do It!!

p.s. Next week I've got more to say about it from another perspective.


Sunday, March 10, 2013


Today's blog is a link to an article on the very important subject of sports injuries and specialization.  I do believe in multi-sport athletes and competing year round, but in the different sports and not just one.  This article, shared by Dr. Aylsworth, is a fantastic read and one for coaches, athletes and parents alike to read and take to heart.  

Dr. Andrews is a well knows orthopedic surgeon who has put the likes of Adrian Petersen, RGIII, and Drew Brees back in the game.  Even with those high profile athletes he has a passion for youth and unique insight into over use injuries.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog weekly, and this weeks article, which I think is very insightful.  


Monday, March 4, 2013

Winter Seasons Come to An End

Winter seasons are being put to rest for the season with banquets being held and awards being presented.  As this part of the year comes to a close I'd like to say a few thank yous of my own to the people who help make it all happen.  

First off, is our activities staff  of Vicki Born and Rich Parker.  These two do so much for the students and coaches...and of course, me, but they do it first and foremost for the students.  Also, to LuAnn Tucker and Terri Joiner for their help in the main office as well.  If you see them, please thank them and appreciate them.  

Thanks to the maintenance staff who come in after games and practices to clean up and get the school ready for the next day.  If see them please appreciate them.  

Thanks to the Middle School staff, Mrs. Ermler, Mr. Seiler, and Dr. Schlueter who run the show over there and are a tremendous support to the MS coaches and students.  

Thanks to all of our ticket takers who are so faithful to MS and HS events, our clock operators, scorekeepers, and announcers who help and give of their time.  

Thanks to our officials who work our HS and MS events.  Some are local and I appreciate so much having our local folks involved in doing these types of things. 

Thanks to Lori Landgren for setting up the concession stands for the HS events and helping to organize the parents.  Thanks to the parents of our winter athletes who step in and help run the concession stands each night.  

Thanks to Mrs. Miller and the outstanding students who sing the National Anthem for each home varsity event and to Mr. Tipping and the Pep Band for their great playing throughout the winter. 

Thanks to Mrs. Nordhagen and our outstanding cheerleaders for their spirit and hard work at JV and Varsity events and to Mrs. Towey and the dance team on helping to provide half-time entertainment.  As a short side note, Mrs. Towey has resigned due to family reasons and we thank her for her time and efforts with the dance team.  She did a tremendous job.  

Thank you to the student athletes who put it all on the line every night, every competition and work hard to get better.  Also, to the team managers who keep everything moving in a positive direction. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.  

Thanks to all of the coaches for countless hours, unseen hours, that you put in to helping our programs reach new levels.  

Thanks to the parents for the support of your students, Carlisle Activities, and Carlisle Community Schools. 

Thanks to the Carlisle Booster Club for their continual support and contributions toward our programs. Also, to the Hoopster Boosters for working the half-time shooting contest for Dollars for Scholars.

Together WE can/will work to improve and move our programs to the next level.  We'll never settle until "our good is better, and our better is best".  

Bring on Spring!!
