Monday, March 4, 2013

Winter Seasons Come to An End

Winter seasons are being put to rest for the season with banquets being held and awards being presented.  As this part of the year comes to a close I'd like to say a few thank yous of my own to the people who help make it all happen.  

First off, is our activities staff  of Vicki Born and Rich Parker.  These two do so much for the students and coaches...and of course, me, but they do it first and foremost for the students.  Also, to LuAnn Tucker and Terri Joiner for their help in the main office as well.  If you see them, please thank them and appreciate them.  

Thanks to the maintenance staff who come in after games and practices to clean up and get the school ready for the next day.  If see them please appreciate them.  

Thanks to the Middle School staff, Mrs. Ermler, Mr. Seiler, and Dr. Schlueter who run the show over there and are a tremendous support to the MS coaches and students.  

Thanks to all of our ticket takers who are so faithful to MS and HS events, our clock operators, scorekeepers, and announcers who help and give of their time.  

Thanks to our officials who work our HS and MS events.  Some are local and I appreciate so much having our local folks involved in doing these types of things. 

Thanks to Lori Landgren for setting up the concession stands for the HS events and helping to organize the parents.  Thanks to the parents of our winter athletes who step in and help run the concession stands each night.  

Thanks to Mrs. Miller and the outstanding students who sing the National Anthem for each home varsity event and to Mr. Tipping and the Pep Band for their great playing throughout the winter. 

Thanks to Mrs. Nordhagen and our outstanding cheerleaders for their spirit and hard work at JV and Varsity events and to Mrs. Towey and the dance team on helping to provide half-time entertainment.  As a short side note, Mrs. Towey has resigned due to family reasons and we thank her for her time and efforts with the dance team.  She did a tremendous job.  

Thank you to the student athletes who put it all on the line every night, every competition and work hard to get better.  Also, to the team managers who keep everything moving in a positive direction. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.  

Thanks to all of the coaches for countless hours, unseen hours, that you put in to helping our programs reach new levels.  

Thanks to the parents for the support of your students, Carlisle Activities, and Carlisle Community Schools. 

Thanks to the Carlisle Booster Club for their continual support and contributions toward our programs. Also, to the Hoopster Boosters for working the half-time shooting contest for Dollars for Scholars.

Together WE can/will work to improve and move our programs to the next level.  We'll never settle until "our good is better, and our better is best".  

Bring on Spring!!


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